For a project in our exhibit design class, we were instructed to choose two brands for a popup collaboration. I chose Christian Louboutin and RipCurl. The purpose of this collaboration is to merge the worlds of an active sport, surfing, and the luxuriousness of a designer clothing brand. It is also meant to entice and empower women to try surfing since it is a male dominated sport. The Couture Coastline Collection introduces non-traditional surfing wear that instill confidence in women. The exhibit is a private and welcoming space for women to feel comfortable enough to try surfing for the first time.
The Magazine
Part of this project required me to make a book, so I chose to make a fashion magazine which featured the Couture Coastline collection that is dropping and more information on the upcoming popup. This magazine was also featured on all of the beach chairs at the popup to provide a nice beach read to the women while simultaneously advertising the collection.
The Campaign
With the goal of the overall popup being to empower women to surf, this advertisement was based on women empowerment.
Flip Through the Magazine
This video features the different spreads of the magazine including the vision and mission behind the popup, the brand guide, and the exhibit itself.
The Renders
I rendered using SketchUp and Enscape. I feel as though the renders give a feel of the real life experience of the popup.
The Brand Guide
I combined the bright red from Louboutin and the dark red from Ripcurl for the primary colors and then chose silver and brown as my secondary colors to dive into the Couture Coastline theme mixing the western, laid back vibe and the fashion designer, big city vibe. The logo is the Louboutin “L” with added waves/pointed edges that stem from the RipCurl logo.
The Mission
The main mission of this popup is to empower women and instill the confidence in them to try surfing. The popup provides them a comfortable and luxurious space where they can be surrounded by other confident women and feel full freedom to try something new that may not have tried on their own.